Congratulations to our Group Managing Director, Dato Ir. Janang anak Bungsu on his well-deserved recognition by Des Prix Infinitus Media at a Gala Dinner on 7 December 2021, where he was named as the winner of C-Suite Leadership Excellence Award and Top C-Suite Leadership Excellence Award (Overall Winner of C-Suite Leadership Category).
His hard work for many years had finally paid him well. Dato has made all of us at Konsortium Bumi Group proud of him and being the only Dayak selected, we take pride in his achievements and share with him the honour and joy he is deserving. May the twin excellence awards open doors for many more success stories in future, both for Dato and Konsortium Bumi Group of Companies. For those who know about his background, we all agree that Dato, is not only the winner of these prestigious awards, but also the winner against all odds in life. Since his young days, Dato went through hurdles and impossible situations and fought against them before he can settle at his current position.
Therefore, he deserves our Standing Ovation and well wishes. Kudos Dato!
- From Fellow Directors, Associate Directors & Staff

Recipients of the Leadership Excellence Awards by Des Prix Infinitus Media. Some of the identified recipients are- Datuk Seri Siti Nurhaliza (Passionate Icon of the Year), Datuk Chef Wan (Community Leader of the Year), Professor Datin Paduka Setia Datuk Dr Aini Ideris (Community Leader of the Year) and Tan Sri Datuk Dr Noor Hisham (Top Community Leader of the Year).